Expanding the Circle of Compassion

Sometimes ‘a head’ just isn’t enough

“Follow your bliss…”
– Joseph Campbell

Hi everyone,

If it feels so good to be “open”, feeling our heart, the warmth of love, being one with nature, watching a beautiful sunset, crunching granola, hugging a tree, dancing like no one’s watching… why is it so hard to live from this place? Why do we settle for the slog of life, living in a deadened state so much of the time?

Why is there so much resistance to feeling our feelings?

Most of us learned early in life that to get along with others – family, friends, teachers, society-at-large – we couldn’t be ourselves.  At least not the ‘self’ that is our full, real, true, fully-feeling, loving, protesting, crying, jumping, running, not-always-easy-to-get-along-with, spontaneous, adorable, ugly, creative, beautiful, smelly, unique, triumphant, brilliant, silly, loud, quiet, not-cookie-cutter-shaped, absolutely authentic self.

We learned to do what was expected of us, and we did it well.  It was our best survival strategy and many times it saved us from harsh consequences.  But now, the old ways are obsolete and they make us suffer.  Even when we begin to recognize the problem, it feels insurmountable to change it. After so many years of limiting who we are, what we feel, and what we express, how on earth can we retrieve our life?

That is what we will be addressing in our next body group.  As society pushes us to focus on getting ahead, sometimes, a head just isn’t enough.  We won’t find the kind of change we need by staying up in our head. This group series will focus on bringing the body back to life.

All details are on our website.  To create an emotionally safe, secure place we are limiting attendance to no more than 10 people.  Please let us know if you would like to join us.


Barbara & Anshul
Founders, Living Ubuntu
(949) 891-2005

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Sometimes ‘a head’ just isn’t enough

Bringing the body back to life

Sometimes ‘a head’ just isn't enough

Why do we have such a love/hate relationship with our bodies?
Why do we obsess about how we look rather than how we feel?
Why is it so hard to slow down?
Why don’t we stop to feel our tiredness?
Why do we pursue success and accomplishment at the expense of relationships?

Living Ubuntu Body Group
February – May 2013
6 sessions on Sunday afternoons (2:00p-4:30p)

Orange County, CA

Starts Sunday, Feb 24th
see all dates »

This Living Ubuntu Summer Body Group series will be experiential and offered in a casual setting. It will emphasize Bioenergetic body-centered methods to help us get in touch with these experiences, learn to stay more grounded, and help bring change and healing into our wounded and stuck places.

To create a safe, secure space, we can accommodate no more than 10 participants. If there is any financial hardship, please get in touch with us. We will do our best to accommodate your situation.

Find out more at

Questions?  Please contact us at (949) 891-2005 or info@livingubuntu.org


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